Whatever or however you celebrate, a lot of us will be going home for the holidays. So here’s a selection of improv games that I think are perfect to play with the extended family. Just click on the titles to get a full explanation.

1. Mind meld

I think this is the perfect game to play with family and friends. It’s easy, requires no additional equipment or space and can be played sitting down. And it makes you feel like an awesome team.

2. Two sandwiches

It’s a rhyming game, but it’s an easy one where people try to make each other look good. Plus the refrain is really fun to say.

3. Commonalities

I threw this one in because it means you’ll get to know your family better. And who doesn’t want to know what Uncle Barry thinks about social media trends in 2023?

4. Danish clapping

This one is a bit more physical but when you get into the flow of it, there’s nothing finer. Lose yourself in the rhythm and connection of a lovely game of Danish clapping.

5. I'll need

This is really a Yes and exercise but it’s wrapped up in a little story telling game. I really like the head and heart variations for this one too.

6. Powerpoint Karaoke

Ok, so it requires a computer and a screen but this game is absolutely hilarious. Plus, I’ve included 14 presentations to play with. I’m pretty proud of them so give it a go, huh?

7. Zombie penguin

This one needs a lot of space and will make everyone shout at each other but there are few improv games more exhilarating. And who doesn’t want to essay the role of an undead spheniscid?

<aside> 💡 Hey, my name’s Chris Mead. I write an article about improv almost every week. You can get the latest in your inbox by subscribing to my newsletter. Or check out the archive.
