Parson's Nose. I think I may have made up the name Zombie Penguin.
Everyone in the group grabs a chair and sits all around the room in such a way that everyone is spread out equally in an even network of chairs.
One player gets up from their chair and moves to the other end of the room.
This player is the zombie penguin. They must move extremely slowly with their knees together.
(like a dead penguin that has been reanimated - hence the name)
The zombie penguin always moves towards the empty chair at a slow place. It's goal is to sit down.
The rest of the group must keep the empty chair away from it by getting up off their own chair and moving to the empty chair before the penguin.
The group must stay one step ahead of the penguin.
I like to always play the zombie penguin as it allows the rest of the group to work together.
This game is about communication and working together.
There's a version where the group may not talk to each other.
Once you've been playing for a while, introduce the idea of more than one player moving at the same time, each moving one chair along, to move the empty space a great distance in a matter of seconds.
If a group takes this to heart and only moves backwards and forwards between the two extremities - challenge them to be more inventive. If the game was a show - how can you take wilder risks while still having each other's back?