
Arrange the group in a rough circle.

Get a low percentage of that group to step forwards into a smaller circle.

They are the clouds. Clouds will close their eyes and be lead around the room by the rest of the group.

Clouds can react to impulses however they like - either strongly or calmly.

Everyone else (the gods of weather) must look after them whilst also giving them an AWESOME ADVENTURE.

Play music while the clouds drift around the room.

End by bringing the clouds back into their tight circle formation in the middle.

Teaching notes

Try to keep the cloud group so there is AT LEAST two helpers to each cloud. So in a group of 10, for example, you'd only want to field 3 clouds.

Clouds will react definitely depending on the improviser. This is good. It's like being on stage, we don't know how people will react to our moves. We need to be adaptable and we need to make our scene partner feel safe.

Try to get to a point where you are touching the clouds as little as possible whilst still keeping them entirely safe. Work in pairs but also swap the pairs all the time so nothing stays static.

Be respectful where you touch people - shoulders & hands are good places to aim for. Don't grab at people in swimsuit areas or wrap things around their neck.

As you go through the exercise - become more inventive with ways of giving impulses.


