
This game can be played in pairs, small groups or the entire group in a circle.

In every case you are building a poem, passing to another player after each line.

The poem is 4 lines long and has the following structure:

  1. Introduces a poetic image (The blossom quivers on the branch in the spring breeze)
  2. Expands on the image in line 1 (The tree dresses itself in pinks and golds)
  3. Introduces a completely separate image as far away from the first line as possible (Robots are cold and metal and grey)
  4. Weaves the two images together into a satisfying whole (A blossom falls onto the head of the robot - warm and bright against the dullness)

Then everyone clicks to show appreciation like they are in a coffee shop in the 90s.

Teaching Notes

The clicking thing is a fun way to show appreciation.

Make sure everyone knows they don’t have to rhyme.

Also, make sure that everyone gets a go at each job.

Each line represents a different core improv skill:

  1. Creating something out of nothing.
  2. Accepting & building on someone else’s idea (yes and)
  3. Bringing something new. And keeping the ‘tent poles’ as far apart as possible.
  4. Bringing disparate ideas together.