Be a better listener. It’s a fundamental skill in improv. Everything else you do proceeds from a state of receptivity.
Enter as a blank slate. Be inspired by what your partner gives you and offer something of yourself in response.
Let your default position be one of play - positive, accepting and joyful.
Don’t treat the scene as an intellectual exercise. How do your characters feel about each other? Be willing to be changed by those feelings.
Make offers with brevity and clarity. Pace yourself. Use specifics.
Take inspiration from your own life. Share something of yourself. How is this scene different because you are in it?
What is happening now? Not in the future. Not in the past. Not to other people. But. Right. Now. Discover, don’t invent.
What do you think? Have I left out anything really important to you? Let me know at [email protected] - I’d be thrilled to have that discussion with you.
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